Andrea Sposini Chef
Andrea Sposini Chef

Andrea Sposini ©

Elevating Culinary Artistry Worldwide with Italian Flair. Currently, I am in Cologne, Germany, where I work as an Italian chef for restaurants throughout the German territory.<br>About Me<br>They have always said this about me: I curate and produce culinary events, menus, and training programs that pave the way for personal and professional empowerment through the art of living well and exquisite cooking.<br>Consultancy Services<br>My work extends across Italy and internationally. I serve restaurants, hotels, patisseries, trattorias, and wine shops globally, supporting new ventures and enhancing the competitiveness of established enterprises. I train chefs and dining staff, and teach at Italian culinary schools, also developing their curricula. Since 2000, I have consulted in numerous cities, including Milano, San Francisco, New York, New Delhi, Kansas City, Berlin.<br>I Offer the Following Services:<br>Study, planning, and start-up of new restaurants<br>Restyling of existing restaurants, both architecturally and menu-wise<br>On-site and remote assistance to restaurants in developing processes and protocols to ensure a distinct brand personality<br>Menu development with a particular focus on food and wine pairing<br>Creating menus with innovative combinations for both classic Italian cuisine and a more modern, creative approach<br>Training in advanced Italian culinary techniques for professional chefs<br>Italian cooking classes and the creation of teaching plans for Italian professional cooking schools, both in Italy and abroad<br>Corporate cooking lessons for team-building activities

  • torta di mele al rosmarino.

    TORTA DI MELE E ROSMARINO [enjoyinstagram_mb] Ingredienti: 115 gr burro 350 gr mele succo di ½ limone 4 uova 150 gr zucchero 150 gr farina 00 1 cucchiaino di cartina lievitante per dolci pizzico di sale 1 cucchiaino rosmarino fresco finemente tritato zest di un limone zucchero a velo per il servizio Stampo a cerniera…

  • Fettuccine al caffè con salmone e ciliegie.

    Fettuccine al caffè con ciliegie e salmone affumicato  ingredienti 6 pax Per le Fettuccine. 400 g farina 00 1 cucchiai di polvere di caffè 4 uova 5 g sale fino. Per la salsa al salmone e ciliegie. 300 g ciliegie denocciolate 100 g salmone affumicato tagliato a piccoli pezzi. 40 g burro 1/2 scalogno 50…


    [enjoyinstagram_mb]An exclusive chance in Zurich to discover truly Italian cooking secrets! With Andrea Sposini Chef Two-day event will be a full immersion in the world of cooking: not only you will learn how to prepare the dishes that you will eat, but Andrea will also give you some cultural and historical background about the recipes.…


    [enjoyinstagram_mb]An exclusive chance in Zurich to discover truly Italian cooking secrets! With Andrea Sposini Chef Two-day event will be a full immersion in the world of cooking: not only you will learn how to prepare the dishes that you will eat, but Andrea will also give you some cultural and historical background about the recipes.…

  • Torta di amarene e mandorle

    Torta di amarene e mandorle. Per la frolla: 450 g farina di 00 50 g farina di riso 200 g zucchero 300 g burro 1 uovo intero 2 tuorli 1 pizzico di sale Per il ripieno 200 g confettura di ciliegie 400 g amarene fresche. 100 g mandorle zucchero di canna Burro e farina per…